Talent Pool Application

Far too often, top talents are rejected by employers because there is no suitable position available at the time. The Talent Pool serves to collect such qualified contacts. When a position becomes available, all members of the Talent Pool can be notified immediately.

The “Talent Pool Application” component is linked to your Talent Pools in the applicant management system. When an applicant signs up for a Talent Pool through the career page, they are directly added to your applicant management system.


The Talent Pool Application is essentially an application form that can be configured to meet your needs.

The following fields represent the minimum configuration and are mandatory:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email

The following fields can be added additionally:

  • Salutation

  • Academic title

  • Phone number

  • Resume upload (LinkedIn is not supported for technical reasons)

  • Additional attachments*

  • Interests

  • Career level

  • Work locations

  • Comment

*cannot be configured as a mandatory field

Background Image

Upload a background image or use one of the predefined images.

Overlay Effects

The form is underlaid with a dark, transparent layer to enhance readability without affecting the visual impression. The degree of darkening and blurring can be adjusted.

Select Talent Pool

If you have multiple Talent Pools stored in your applicant management system, you can select a specific Talent Pool in this tab.

Alternatively, you can create a new Talent Pool, which will then be added to the applicant management system.

Maximum Form Execution

The image shows the maximum execution of the component.

The Talent Pool Application is a modern alternative to the speculative application.