Builder Mode

In the Builder, your career page is assembled from components.

The structure of your career page, which was presented to you in the wizard, is based on best-practice experiences but can be fully customized to your preferences.

Add Component

We provide you with a wide selection of components optimized for a career page.

Click on the plus icon between the components and select a new component. It will then be placed at this spot.

Component Selection

In the component selection menu, you can choose from 32 components. Each component can be customized in many ways, both in terms of content and design.

Click on a component to add it to your career page.

Add Scroll Anchor

When you add a new component, you will find some important additional functions above the component.

On the left side, you will find an input field. Enter a term that best describes the section below. This term will then be displayed in the main navigation. Visitors to your website can click on it, and the page will automatically scroll to this section.

Component Functions

The following functions are located on the right side above the component:

  1. Hide: After publishing, this component will no longer be displayed on your career page.

  2. Delete: The component will be deleted, but can be reinserted through the component selection menu. The content must be re-entered.

  3. Edit Content

  4. Duplicate Component

  5. Move Component Up

  6. Move Component Down